

Cloware Order Management System is designed to help Sales Representative to capture/book orders (and repeat orders) from the Distributors, Dealers and Retail customers. Typically the Sales Reps choose a Beat/Route/Path and visit Outlets/Stores/Shops in a particular (path optimized) sequence.

Within each outlet/store they perform one or more of the following activities

And goes on to repeat the process for other outlets in the Beat/Route/Path
Occasionally, when a new outlet is found the region a new Lead entry is made so that the other teams can evaluate and enroll them as part of the network.

Sales rep sometimes perform other activities like participating in a road-show to promote a product/scheme and books the time spent in such activities in separate module called Daily Activity Report (DAR) module. This helps in tracking the time spent as well as lack order capture for the day.

With Cloware OMS, the Sales Rep are equipped to perform all these duties without any interruption (even when no connectivity is available) right after their first synchronization with the server. Gathered data/information can be uploaded to the server as and when the connectivity is available and at the choice of Sales Rep (making the battery utilization most efficient).

The sales geography is divided into one or more beats and the outlets are assigned to a beat (optionally to more than one beat).
Each user (sales reps) is assigned one or more beat (and the outlets to visit are automatically derived from it)
The beat selection process becomes automatic when there is only one beat allocated to a Sales Rep. The mobile application will not ask the user to choose the beat.
The outlet selection process becomes automatic when there is only one outlet allocated to a Sales Rep. When the retail location tries to place an order themselves, they get only one outlet (their own) and will never be asked to choose an outlet


The live demo is hosted on

Setting up Masters

Master data must be uploaded to the server for a fast and easy use of application on the mobile side. Some master data information are mandatory and some are optional.

Note: Delete facility has not been provided in the system to prevent inconsistencies across distributed (mobiles) systems. Instead a state flag is available in all data records that allows you to disable a data record when it is no longer needed (The mobile devices will continue to have this data record until they synchronize with the server at which point the data record will be deleted from the mobile device).

Location Master(country/state/city)

You can add your location masters manually through the provided user interface directly or by importing a CSV file.
To import countries, save the following content into a file and in the Country page click import button, click "choose file", select the saved file and click "Import".

USA,"United States of America"


To import states, save the following content into a file (or create your own list of states) and in the State page click import button, click "choose file", select the saved file and click "Import".



To import cities, save the following content into a file (or create your own list of cities) and in the City page click import button, click "choose file", select the saved file and click "Import".

San Francisco,San Francisco,USA,California


Outlet Master

In Cloware OMS the retail shops are referred to as Outlets. You may add outlets directly to the system or import them as CSV files.
To import outlets, save the following content into a file (or create your own list of outlets) and in the Outlets page click import button, click "choose file", select the saved file and click "Import".

Note: The outlet_code, outlet_cat, mobile_no, phone_no, address fields are optional, you may omit them completely from the CSV file while importing.
The outlet_code may be derived from your ERP (backend) system to keep consistency across.
The mobile_no may be used to send order details as text messages when order is completed.

O1001,A to Z store,Corner Shop,1415555555,1800555555,A to Z Pier 5,San Francisco
O1002,Bayview store,Stationery,1415222555,1800222555,Bayview, Pier 5,San Francisco

Beat Master

In Cloware OMS the route taken by the sales rep are referred to as Beats.
To import beats, save the following content into a file (or create your own list of beats) and in the Beats page click import button, click "choose file", select the saved file and click "Import".

Note: The par_beat_id,beat_code fields are optional, you may omit them completely from the CSV file while importing.
beat_code: The beat_code may be derived from your ERP (backend) system to keep consistency across.
par_beat_id: A hierarchy of beats can be maintained (through par_beat_id) if the number beats handled by a person is high and needs to be selected in drill-down manner.


Outlet to Beat Map

In the beat server interface click on outlet at the right most column to add list of outlets to a beat.
Alternatively, the outlet to beat map can be imported through a CSV file by clicking "Choose File" button at the bottom of that page. The format of the CSV file must follow the following structure

A to Z store,Bay-Beat,1
Bayview store,Bay-Beat,2

SKU Category Master

This is an optional master needed only if you want to categorize your SKU (and its selection process). You may provide a hierarchical categorization, virtually unlimited, but to make it practical restrict to as few levels as possible. The hierarchy makes the selection process little bit easier (albeit with more number of clicks), ex: Stationery -> Pen -> 0.5 tip refill Pen

To import category, save the following content into a file (or create your own list of categories) and in the Categories page click import button, click "choose file", select the saved file and click "Import".

Note: The category_code,parent_cat,pos fields are optional, you may omit them completely from the CSV file while importing.
category_code: The category_code may be derived from your ERP (backend) system to keep consistency across.
parent_cat: A hierarchy of category can be maintained (through parent_cat).


SKU Master

The SKU (stock keeping unit) or product to be sold is defined by a unique name along with optional UOM (unit of measurement) and variant (like size).

To import SKU, save the following content into a file (or create your own list of SKUs) and in the SKUs page click import button, click "choose file", select the saved file and click "Import".

Note: The sku_code,uom,variant,sku_desc,cat,cat1,cat2,bar_code,pos fields are optional, you may omit them completely from the CSV file while importing.
sku_code: The sku_code may be derived from your ERP (backend) system to keep consistency across.
mrp: A numeric, positive value is accepted (this number may be rounded off according to IEEE double storage standard) uom: (optional) unit of measurement variant: (optional) same product but varies by an attribute (like size of shoe) sku_desc: (optional) description cat: (optional) primary category cat1: (optional) alternate category cat2: (optional) alternate category bar_code: (optional) standard bar code pos: (optional)

PENCIL01,Bold-Pencil,100.20,10 Pack,,Pencil,Pencil,,,02002390129,0

SKU Price Master

Optionally you may define price specific to a location (city) using this master (ex: one price for New York city and different price for Dallas).

To import SKU price, save the following content into a file (or create your own list of SKU prices) and in the SKU Prices page click import button, click "choose file", select the saved file and click "Import".

Bold-Pencil,San Francisco,99.00

Users and Roles

A hieracrchy of users with multi-level, unrestricted reporting structure can be created in the system that closely represents the real life organization chart. Any user can report to any number of users as long as it does not form a circular reporting structure. One or more role can be assigned to users.

Adding users

Goto users screen and add user's Cloware ID at the bottom of page (using "Add New User" button). Please make sure its a valid Cloware ID since no validation is performed at this stage of adding user to user server (this allows you to add users even before their Cloware ID is created)
After adding all users click on "Regenerate Scope Map" in the same page.

Mapping beats, products and other data

In Cloware OMS, users inherit data records (like beats, outlets, SKUs etc) from their bosses ("report to" in their hierarchy). This behaviour can be stopped by explicitly adding specific set of data records to the user in their scope page (Click on the user's Cloware ID in the users screen to view the currently mapped master records).
Click on the "Scope" link (at the right most column of the users row) to add/modify the data scope of the user.

Under the Beats section start typing the name of the beat in the text field and select the Beat to add. Then click on "Add new beat".
Leave the outlets empty to let the system auto-compute the outlet list (all outlets mapped to assigned list of beats will be automatically sent to the mobile device).
Leave the SKU empty to send all SKUs to the mobile device.

Adding Privileges

Users by default do not get any privilege to access any of the modules in the server side. However the administrator (site owner) can decide to assign specific access to specific modules in the privilege page. Click on the + button and start typing the Cloware ID to get the user and click on Save. Click on the little x on the top right corner of each user to remove the privilege.

Adding Modules

Users by default do not get any modules (order capture, inventory, collection etc.) assigned to them. They inherit the modules assigned to their bosses. To avoid all the modules being sent to the mobile device, specifically choose and add modules at the user scope level.
After adding modules, make sure you have clicked on "Regenerate Scope Map" in the users screen for it to be applied to the user(s).

The mobile phone application builds its Main Menu automatically from the list of Modules assigned to the user. If you do not see any menu options other than Sync and Exit, it is probably because your administrator has not assigned any modules for you or the previous Sync operation did not complete successfully. You can check the list of modules assigned to you by clicking on the user name (left most column) in the users screen. Once you see modules in the scope page, you may press Sync menu option in the mobile phone to get the other menu options

Please note the Cloware Pricing, currently, is based on the modules used by the user, any change in the modules assigned to/removed from user may take upto 24 hours to take effect for billing purpose, however would be effective immediately for the mobile application.

Using mobile application

Installing mobile application

Java/J2ME phones:

From the mobile phone web browser type and press enter. Or
Click Java.jar to download the jar file from the PC and transfer to the mobile phone through Bluetooth.

When the installation is complete, launch the application (in some mobile phones the installed application can be found under Games section as MeapEx)

Click here to get complete trial guide for Java phones

Android phones:

For android phones with Google Play (Store) access Search for ... in the Google play and install the application Use link to download and install application directly from the mobile device.

When the installation is complete, launch the application

Main Menu


Uploads data records and downloads master changes


Quits the application and returns to the phone menu. In some devices (like iPhone) you have to use the system provided keys to exit the application


Create/View/Edit orders
The logged in user must have "Capture Ordes"/"View Orders" (MCO) module assigned to get his menu option in the mobile application.


Convert orders into Invoices

DAR (Daily Activity Report)

Book non-sales activity details


Use this module gather information about prospect (stores, distributors, dealers etc)


Collect payments for past deliveries (cash, cheque, drafts etc)

Assets (Merchandizing)

Manage marketting assets deployed at stores (bill-boards, digital signages, posters etc)
Ensure the products are located at the right spot with right visibility
Ensure the assets (like refrigerators, vending machines etc) are in good running conditions


Book your travel expenses (fuel charges, boarding & lodging etc).


Take primary inventory at the distributor location (product quantities delivered, returned and closing balance)
Capture secondary inventory at stores (items sold and balance available)

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